Saturday 13 April 2013

Why Waffles are Better Than Pancakes!

Why Waffles are Better than Pancakes?

Ewwwww... they look yuck!
Yumm!!! So crispy!

 Waffles will always be better than pancakes. To begin with, if you've been watching Dexter, what he says about waffles and pancakes isn't true. When asked by Astor and Cody about the difference between Waffles and Pancakes, he replies, “A waffle is a lot like a pancake, only square” he replies. When asked to elaborate, he explains that the waffle was invented by Simon P. Waffle, who liked to stack his waffles, and therefore made them square. This is NOT TRUE! Dexter LIED! Firstly, there are many waffles that are not square! As I write this article I am eating a round chocolate chip waffle covered in Nuttella. Waffles also have little square cells on them, and sound so much better than ‘pancakes’ ughh.
Dexter: Deb, I lied about the pancakes.
Deb: What the fuck, Dex?

          Now let’s explore the differences. Waffles taste exactly like pancakes do, except for the fact that they are a lot lighter than pancakes! Waffles are light and crispy (if you toast them) and are thus easier to chew your way through (if you’ve just woken up) as well as more enjoyable to eat. Waffles can be eaten with anything (Nutella, syrup, bananas, strawberry flavouring) while traditionally, pancakes are usually served with just syrup or bananas.
          Given the lack of any substantial differences, the question arises- is one really better than the other? Well let me put it this way. Let us consider you have waffle/pancake batter (the recipes for both are the same, with the difference being in the iron used to cook them in) Would you rather enjoy the light almost  wafer like taste of waffles? Or would you prefer the soggy, heavy pancakes? Would you rather say the word ‘waffles’? Or sound like an old maid and say ‘pancake’? 

This is what people look like when they say 'pancakes'

Please comment below and tell us what you like better : waffles or pancakes! Sincerely, Waffles!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I happen to personally know Simon P. Waffle and the story is absolutely true. Simon was a strange boy who loved all things square. He would only play with the square legos and only draw squares or boxes in art class. His haircut made his head look square. He had plastic surgery to have his jaw and face look square. He wore square rings and all his clothes had square prints on them. Unfortunately, Simon was playing in the street while road work was going on and he was squished flat as a pancake. Guess the pancakes wins in the end after all.
